One such fish, the Flowerhorn, represents a class of its own. Flowerhorns are ornamental aquarium fish noted for their vivid colors and the distinctively shaped heads for which they are named. This fish does not exist in nature but it is a hybrid result of various cross-breeding of South America cichlids. Flowerhorn breeding dates from 1993, in Malaysia. The fish has a hump known as “Kok” on its forehead, similar to the forehead of the Chinese God of Longevity.
The high forehead of a Flowerhorn also symbolizes a cool, calm and stable mountain. A fully developed hump on the Flowerhorn's head is believed to bring its owner prosperity, luck and longevity. The black markings on the fish’s body known as flower or “hua”, resembles Chinese characters. According to the Malaysian-Chinese tradition, its red eyes are believed to ward off evil. These superstitious, its relative exoticness in terms of availability and its highly aggressive yet playful nature made it an instant favorite among mature hobbyist.
In their childhood, looking at the fish makes one reflect upon the “ugly duckling story” where the ugly duckling on growing up becomes the elegant and beautiful swan. The same can be said of the Flowerhorn who when juvenile are not too attractive, but will catch the fancy of every eye once they mature. The Flowerhorn is a rather hardy fish, but to bring out the best of looks, a lot of care and cash needs to be invested. Frequent water changes, proper diet (high quality fish pellets and periodic treats of beef liver, prawns and live fishes).
Maintaining the perfect water conditions (filtration, aeration, Ph level, temperature) become crucial to bring out the beauty in the fish.
Of course, not only care, but genes also play a huge role in the beauty of the fish, especially in the beauty of its Kok. The overall beauty of the fish can create an adult(12-15 inch) with a price tag of Rs. 20,000 to over a Lakh while quality juveniles (1-2 inch) are available for around Rs.1000. Males being more beautiful, are costlier.
Today the aquarium hobbyists of Kolkata have matured. More and more hobbyists are exchanging the accumulated knowledge forming social groups. The largest and most active group by far, the Kolkata Aquarium Club (KAC), aims to make fish keeping more popular in the city. As an online forum that started in Orkut, KAC has over the last 2 years guided many hobbyists to successfully develop a plethora of knowledge and expertise in the hobby.
According to the initiator, Tirthankar Chattopadhyay, “KAC is a group of hobbyist whose only intention is to spread the fish keeping hobby in a scientific manner and raise consciousness among people to preserve our native water bodies and fishes.” With their tagline, “Fish keeping simplified”, KAC does, what it promises. Few hobbyists who have successfully bred the Flowerhorn in Kolkata are Walter Chen (9830888873), David Lee (9830090982), Ranjan (9331292592). These exotic fish, besides others, are also available at the following fish stores.
P-48, C.I.T Road, Schm 52, Kolktata - 700 014
Phone: (033)2244-3398
58/1N/1C RAJA Dinendra Street, Kolkata 700006.
Phone : 23509354
Belilious Road, Howrah 711 101
Phone : +919230822854 / 98315 555411
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